Help support Good Neighbours financially — by donating to our sister organization, St. John the Compassionate Mission:
• PayPal
• Canada Helps
Our charity registration number is 893281832RR0001
We could use your help! Get involved and help make your community a more loving and caring place. Volunteering can range from helping out in person at Good Neighbours, or donating goods which you may no longer need (see below).
Read about how you can become a Scarborough Good Neighbour.
People wishing to volunteer must first speak to P. Roberto, either by calling 647-358-4105 or e-mailing
See what goods are in urgent demand to keep Good Neighbours supplied. Please check here often to see a list of our urgently needed items that you can donate as gifts-in-kind.
• food – rice, beans, oil, flour, meat (lamb, beef, chicken), fish
• permanent marking pens
Many people and groups support Good Neighbours. On behalf of those we serve, thank you.
For a partial list of donors and supporters, see the “Our benefactors” page of our sister organization, St. John the Compassionate Mission.